Our Creators are hyper-engaged players who create incredible content for and alongside the community. They’re diverse, creative, and passionate individuals who we aid in their journey toward building their communities.

Program Perks

Community Spotlights

Community Spotlights

You’re making incredible content and we want to spotlight it! We promote creators directly in-game and across social media to boost their communities.

Giveaway Support

Giveaway Support

Have a tournament or special event coming up? We want to help you reward your community with Polyarc content.

Creator Community Discord

Creator Community Discord

An exclusive Discord, just for creators, you can collaborate or chat with the development team.

Collaboration Opportunities

Collaboration Opportunities

We’re making a lot of content! Our Creators receive priority to be part of cross-promotions and collaborations.


To be eligible, content creators need to be focused on making content around Moss, Moss: Book II, or Glassbreakers. Specific viewership or subscriber requirements may vary by region. These are minimum requirements and meeting them does not guarantee admission into the program.

  • Must be at least 14.
    • Players under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign an NDA.
  • At least 25% of content needs to be a mix of these Polyarc games.
  • Content must adhere to our Creator Code of Conduct.
  • Must maintain an active presence in the official Discord.

Platform-Specific Requirements


  • At least 25% of content is related to Moss, Moss: Book II, Glassbreakers, or a mix of these three titles.
  • At least 25 CCV over 30 days.
  • Consistent livestreams over the past 30 days.
  • Produce high-quality, engaging content.


  • At least 25% of content is related to Moss, Moss: Book II, Glassbreakers, or a mix of these three titles.
  • At least 1,000 Subscribers.
  • At least 2,000 Average Views over the last five videos.
  • At least 25 CCV over the last 30 days, if streaming.


  • At least 15% of content is related to Moss, Moss: Book II, Glassbreakers, or a mix of these three titles.
  • A minimum of 2,000 Subscribers or Unique Monthly Listeners.
  • Consistent uploads over the past 3 months.
  • An active social media presence on at least one platform.

Social Influencer

  • At least 15% of content is related to Moss, Moss: Book II, Glassbreakers, or a mix of these three titles.
  • At least 2,000 Followers.
  • An average engagement rate of 5% over the last 30 days.
  • Cannot be attributed to a clan, guild, alliance, or branded as an official website.
  • Cannot be dedicated to leaks or data-mining content.

Cosplayer or Fan Artist

  • Have at least 250 followers on your primary art platform. We support artists on:
    • Instagram
    • ArtStation
    • DeviantArt
    • Twitter
    • TikTok
  • We cannot accept creators who create NSFW content at this time. Polyarc is a family-friendly studio and we strive to ensure that all of the content we support is safe for players of any age.

Other People We Allow

Tournament Organizers
  • Case-by-case basis.
  • Run at least one tournament per month.
  • Note: We’re extremely excited to support you and your tournament dreams, so please feel free to reach out to us to discuss support if you’d like to run a tournament and feel concerned that you may not qualify for this program.

The Creator Code of Conduct

As a member of the Polyarc Creator Program, you are a representative of the program and Polyarc Games. As such, we expect a high standard of behavior in-game and across social media.

  • Creators must follow all Polyarc Games agreements or policies, including the Polyarc Games Terms of Use.
  • Creators must follow all third party (e.g., Twitch, YouTube, Discord, and Facebook) agreements or policies applicable to your use of such platform or services, including any terms of service and community guidelines.
  • Creators must keep all their accounts secure. 2FA is highly encouraged among all members of our community, but especially those who are in the Creator Program.
  • No racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism, bullying, or harassment of other players. This extends to in-game names and in-game voice communications.
  • Creators must have accounts in good standing. No accounts that have been permanently banned.
  • No bug abuse or any other creative manipulation of game mechanics.
  • No purchasing, selling, or boosting accounts. Creators may not sell the codes they receive.
  • No intentional feeding or intent to lose (disconnecting, AFKing, or idling). We expect good sportsmanship of all our Creators.
  • No leveraging your status in the Creator Program to attack, threaten, or abuse other players.
  • No stream sniping other Content Creators, which is considered harassment.
  • No stealing of other players’ or Creators’ content and presenting it as your own. If you’d like to utilize another’s work, you must credit the source.
  • No breaking NDAs, such as hacking, leaking, or attempting to circumvent the release process of Polyarc Games or any other game developer.
  • No content that is illegal in your locale or could be considered libelous.
  • No pornography or explicit content.

Consequences and Penalties

Polyarc Games reserves the right to remove any Creator based on one or more of the following penalties based upon the severity of the action and past violation:

  • A warning and opportunity to discuss the infraction.
  • One month removal from the program.
  • Removal from the program and loss of all associated perks with the program across all accounts.
  • Polyarc Games reserves the right to modify these guidelines or terminate partners participation at any time, for any reason, without notice.